Sunday, September 1, 2019
When professionally assessed, the young person will be assessed against a nationally recognized level and compared against these to assess their progress. Factors to be taken into account when assessing a child's development will be their health; whether they come from an economically deficient background that may have impaired their early development because of a lack of a healthy diet. If there is a history of mental or disability within the birth family that is having an effect on the child's capability to progress in education and comprehend fully the surroundings and situations they are in.Maybe they are physically disabled and cannot fulfill certain everyday functions and activities they may come normally to any other child or young person. This may have an emotional bearing and need to be taken into account when assessing them on their development. AGE Physical Intellectual Language Emotional Social 3 Months eggs not strong yet to hold weight when standing Visually alert and f ollows adults with eyes, moves head Stops crying to sound of rattle Quietest to sound of familiar voice Stares at parent or career when being fed 6 Months FM. Uses palmary grasp to pick up objects. GSM.Held standing with feet touching hard surface. Manipulates objects attentively. Forgets about toy if hidden. More alert now. Turn to where familiar voice comes from, listens to voice Laugh, show excitement and displeasure. Will reach out to be picked up. Show preference for primary career. Friendly with strangers on most occasions. 9 Months Rolls along, wiggles and may crawl Recognizes names, points at pictures and books. Splashes deliberately. Laughs before action toy works, remembers the action. Babbles, will shout for attention, wait and repeat. Copies simple sounds. Still cry for attention, but ill also use their voices.Have become aware of other people significant to them. Copies facial expressions 12 Months Controls legs and feet, can stand Throws toys on purpose. Says first rea l word Responds to own name. Can eat finger food after being weaned. 15 Months Walks unaided Understands many words, simple phrases, and directions. Repeats words Really loves books now and will pat the pages when looking at pictures. Feeds him/herself. 18 Months Walks very well without holding on to furniture, needs arms for balance. Uses objects to imitate everyday activities. Will build a 3 brick tower. Scribbles bad ND fed, can make dots.Sounds like speech but not yet understandable. Will chatter away whilst playing. Uses 6-20 words. Pretend play, dolls and domestic scenarios. Still needs familiar adults to be close by. No sense of danger. Can feed self and drink from a cup. Throws toys but doesn't look where they drop. Can undress self. 2 Years FM. Picks up objects and places down neatly. GSM. Runs on whole foot. Can negotiate obstacles and stairs. Turns pages carefully, notices finer points of picture. Identify a picture. Can name well known objects No understanding of need to defer immediate satisfaction of wishes. Enjoys ole-play.Finds sharing difficult. Can spoon feed self with no problems 3 years Can balance on one foot for a moment. Name colors, build small brick tower. Inquisitive questions. Can recite numbers, but only count 3 objects. Show affection to sibling. Will now wait for needs to be fulfilled. Will share, will play with others and alone, has best friends. Tidies up. 4 Years Walks on tip-toes, uses pedals and can steer. Good special awareness. Skilful at holding pencils. Able to have a conversation with. Can recite rhymes and songs, and has favorite stories. Begins to show understanding of past and present. Uses humor.Can be cheeky to an adult, can use a spoon and a fork to eat. Can manage personal hygiene. 5 Years FM. Showing signs of skill with construction toys. GSM. Energetic, plays ball games. Counts fingers, can match well. Can copy letters. Confuses S with HTH or F. Enjoys stories and will repeat them in their play. Reassures friend s when they are upset. Best friends, sense of humor increases. Lots of complex play, using lots of imagination. 6-12 Years Significant differences between children's physical appearances due to heredity, nutrition and normal developmental variation. Strength, hand-eye coordination & stamina progress rapidly.Puberty for some girls can start. Rapid development of mental skills. Greater ability to talk about thoughts and feelings. Learning to plan ahead. Think more logically. Developing mathematical and literacy skills. Reading and writing become more articulate, being able to relate involved accounts of events. Hold adult conversations. Learn by watching and talking to each other. Give support in times of stress. Begin to see things from other child's point of view. Still may require help to express their feelings in appropriate ways. More independence from parents and family. Stronger sense of right and wrong.Beginning awareness of the future. More attention to friendships and teamwo rk. Growing desire to be liked and accepted by friends. 12-14 Years Puberty for both sexes. Rapid musculoskeletal growth. The adolescent can put together all the possible outcomes before beginning the problem. Sizes actions more than words to express themselves. Moodiness and shyness. Feels like nothing bad can happen to them. Revisits childish behavior. Spend more time with peers. Begin to form their identity exploring clothes music and hobbies. Push limits. 14-17 years Continued physical activity important to maintain strength and fitness.Youth begins to question family and school rules and challenge parents. Believe nothing bad can happen to them, risk takers. Use language to campaign for what they believe in. Maybe reluctant to speak to adults directly preferring anonymity. Displays mixed feelings about ââ¬Ëbreaking away' from parents. Troubled youth may act out to express emotional pain (drug use/skip school/ fights) May select adults other than parents as role models. 17-19 Years Fully developed and completed puberty. Males growing facial hair. Either finished full-time education and seeking employment, or continuing with Geiger education.Interests are stable. Can set goals and follow through. Expresses feelings in words. Shows emotional stability. Greater concern for others. Starts listening to parents' advice again. Greater concern for the future. Concerned with serious relationships. Clear sexual identity. Self esteem is based on the adolescent's view of him/herself, rather than other people. More self reliant and independent. Peer group not as important as few ââ¬Ëgood' friends. Accepts social institutions and cultural traditions. Age One must also consider their cultural background and ethnicity.Does this present a language barrier that is hindering their ability to mix with their peers and develop at a normal and satisfactory rate and maybe hindering their ability to attend education or there are not the facilities available to help them with education. Are the cultural and religious beliefs of the birth family having a negative effect on the development of the child or young person creating social and moral barriers to their development. The table above shows an indication of what is expected of a child and person to achieve in an emotional and physical way in a normal environment without negative influences upon them.W. Q. 1. 2 ââ¬â Assess a child or young person's development in the following areas: Physical Communication Intellectual/con dive Social, emotional and behavioral Moral There are many ways to assess the development of a child or young person's development, and a starting point is to consider what information is needed and how the information will be used to assess accurately. This should be done holistically (upholding that all aspects of people's needs including: ââ¬â psychological ââ¬â physical ââ¬â social ââ¬â spiritual should be taken into account and seen as a whole).Developing ac tivities that will involve the child or young errors so that they can be observed in the areas above and then these observations can be recorded for evidence when formulating a development plan. There are many ways and tools used to record information in the care setting:- Free description, or narrative description -? the child's behavior is recorded during a short period of time and includes what the career sees during specific tasks or activities. Checklists and tick charts ââ¬â this method is used by health visitors when assessing, in the care setting this may be used by the LACK nurse on routine health visits to the care home.Time sample seed to observe a child over a longer period of time, taking snapshots within that time period, and is a way of assessing more than one area of development. Filming, photographs ââ¬â a good way of recording the child or young person in ââ¬Ëreal time' which can be played back and re-analyses several times to observe completely differen t aspects of the child and how they interact. Information from parents and colleagues ââ¬â such information gained from questionnaires or sitting down and having meetings to discuss topics relevant to the child or young person: their experiences they have had with he young person.At motivations we record information on a daily basis, this in the form of our Daily/Weekly record. As part Of the care team record my observations and then share this with the social workers involved, the Line manager and the Head of Care within our company. The information recorded will cover how the child or young person coped with activities, day to day routines, new experiences and family contact. Included in this will be there emotional state and behaviors and reactions to moral problems and situations, failing and successes and how they have benefited, learnt and progressed.Recording their educational achievements and gathering information from schools and colleges on a weekly basis all forms imp ortant data to include in the assessment of the young person towards formulating a Review report and in-depth Care Plan for the future development and progression for the young person. W. Q. 1. 3 ââ¬â Explain the selection of the assessment methods used. It is important that assessment methods used are justifiable and recognize that there are limitations to these methods but that we can justify our conclusions and support them with relevant and appropriate information.Free ascription -? is an unobtrusive way of recording information, is flexible and we are able to carry this method out many times during the day/week. However, it can be hard to record everything that we see and that if several people are contributing to the narrative then people's bias may influence what is being recorded. Time sample ââ¬â possible to see what is happening over a longer period Of time and the observers can see many different aspects Of the child or young person through varied activities.Filmi ng/photographs more information can be gained, but the child or young person will be aware f the recording method and those recording choose what to be recorded and so may accidental miss important actions or reactions that the child or young person may do. Information from parents/colleagues ââ¬â important that parents and colleagues know that the child is involved in activities that are developing them, but again may show bias as to how well they have performed previously in the same or similar situations.W -Q. 1. 4 -? Develop a plan to meet the development needs of a child or young person in the work setting Developing a plan to meet the development needs of a child or young errors in the work setting can be completed once the assessment stage has been completed or it is agreed that enough information has been gathered to proceed further. When a new referral enters Motivations, it is standard practice that a Planning Meeting is held within five working days of the date of arr ival.This happened recently at Victoria Rd (where I am Acting Deputy Manager); the social worker involved with the young person will visit the home and discuss aims and objectives to promote the welfare of the young person. In attendance will be the House Manager, the young person for some Of the meeting and a representative Of senior management. In this Case, the person with parental responsibility was unable to attend but was invited as this was a re-scheduled meeting (24. 01. 13).Elements covered in the Planning meeting will be: Date for review Timescale Aims and purposes Targets or criteria for success Suggested activities Resources and costing Location and suitability Roles and responsibilities Of those involved 2. Be able to promote the development of children or young people BOB. 2. 1 ââ¬â implement the development plan for a child or young person according to win role and responsibilities, taking into account that development is holistic and interconnected BOB. 2. ââ¬â Evaluate and revise the development plan in the light of implementation W. Q. 2. 3 ââ¬â Explain the importance of a person centered and inclusive approach and give examples of how this is implemented in own work It is very important to have a person centered and inclusive approach when developing the plans for the child and young person. They should be included in the reviews and planning meetings wherever appropriate as they should be able to voice their opinion in matters hat directly affect them long and short termed.The young person is capable then Of voicing their opinion at a time that is most relevant and when the most important decisions are made for their future, it may also be that their opinion is not understood or has not been correctly recorded in the day to day record and assessment taking. The young person may feel that it is only during Review Meetings when there is an independent reviewing officer present, that they feel they can voice their own opinion and i t is listened to in an UN-biased manner. During my work setting this is achieved on a weekly axis by having regular ââ¬ËClient Meetings' and ââ¬ËGroup Meetings' held within the home.The young person is able to talk to staff on an agenda based format or ad-hoc depending on the circumstances and events. These meetings are recorded and the minutes are given to the Line Manager for review and auctioning when necessary. During a placement period, there will be regular reviews held which will assess the young person's placement and how their needs are being met. A plan will be formulated based on outstanding requirements and to fulfill the developing needs of the young person, from his their Placement Plan can be updated to inform all those involved in the care of the young person changes that have been made. Attached example is a Placement Plan I updated on young person that was in our care). Information changes and requests will then be passed on to staff through the process of ha ndovers and team meetings (which are held every month). BOB. 2. 4 ââ¬â Listen to children or young people and communicate in a way that encourages them to feel valued BOB. 2. 5 ââ¬â Encourage children or young people to actively participate in decisions affecting their lives and the services they chive according to their age and abilities 3. Be able to support the provision of environments and services that promote the development of children or young people W.Q. 3. 1 ââ¬â Explain the features of an environment or service that promotes the development of children and young people Planning an environment that promotes the development of children and young people requires a lot of thought and experience, and is not just a case of putting in nice furniture and supplying a big TV for the residents to watch! The features of the environment relate to the entire running and ethos of the setting. Features to be considered are: Stimulating and Attractive ââ¬â young people lea rn through their senses, so an environment needs to be stimulating and interesting, and also attractive.It should include opportunities for play and activities. Planned and Organized a structured system with boundaries that help the young person feel safe and secure, individuals will have their needs, interests and personality fulfilled and developed. Encouraging participation ââ¬â trying to make the young person feel valued and part of the group environment and not excluded. Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. Regularity ARQ reorients -? the setting must et the minimum standards require by Posted, and also be compliant to Health & Safety legislation and other legislation involving safeguarding, protection of their human rights.High-quality policy and procedures ââ¬â as well as legislative requirements, there is an important need to have policy and procedures for staff to follow which are reviewed, updated and evaluated on a regular basis to check their effectivenes s in the workplace. Varied ââ¬â up to date working practices implemented with current thinking. Providing appropriate risk and challenge ââ¬â provide a care setting where the young errors is capable of making mistakes in a safe environment.Children and young people must be able to learn from their mistakes in a positive way, if they are wrapped in cotton-wool and stifled they will be ill-prepared for when they leave care and the safe environment they are in presently. Involving parents ââ¬â the ultimate goal is that where and when possible we return the child or young person back to their home environment, and therefore we need to include parents and family as much as possible so that they are prepared and skilled in the care of the child to effectively manage this happening.This achieved by organizing regular contact, discussing the young person's development and having the parents involved in planning and review meetings. BOB. 3. 2 ââ¬â Demonstrate how own work env ironment or service is organized to promote the development of children or young people 4. Understand how working practices can impact on the development of children and young people W. Q. 4. 1 ââ¬â Explain how own working practice can affect children and young people's development I understand and realism that my own working practice can have a significant effect on the development of the children and young people in my care.Questions that ask myself about my working practice may include: Am I and my colleagues within the care home aware of the developmental needs of the young person in our care, IS relevant and important information handed over in a proper manner that is informative and of a quality standard. Are the systems that use ensuring that everyone gets the information needed; if not what can I do to effectively change this in a positive manner. Are the activities planned for the young person positive and beneficial to the young person, could alternatives be employed o r are they biased towards the needs of the care staff!Activities need to be specifically planned to meet the needs of the individual in a positive manner. Are activities balanced positively to meet the needs of the young person? Are they gaining anything from going to the cinema three times a week?! Do activities planned cover the key areas of the educational curriculum and build in a positive developmental way. Do work with the young person enough to gain a proper insight into their developmental needs and requirements, if not then why not?Is the young person engaging fully in their activities or routines to develop themselves fully and take full advantage Of the opportunities presented to them? W. Q. 4. 2 -? Explain how institutions, agencies and services affect children and young people's development Institutions, agencies and services affect children and young people in a positive way by being able to provide a varied and positive development experience that a single agency like ourselves would not be able to provide.We at Motivations are currently using an outside education agency called Inconsiderateness to support us in supplying educational support off-site to a young person in our care who is permanently excluded from main-stream Tate education. They are able to deal with challenging behavior and satisfy the Local Authority with full-time education which was planned during the initial Placement Meeting. Without this outside agency, educational needs for the young person would not have been met at a very important stage in their life aged 13.Other agencies provide support for the young person in times of crisis in their life: NSP can give support to the young person as well as Childlike. Another service that we use at Motivations is ââ¬ËAbility' in Clotheshorse; they supply a very specialized outward bounds service run y professionals experienced in emotional and behavioral challenging young people. Without such agencies, the activities available to young people to challenge and develop them would be limited. 5. Be able to support children and young people's positive behavior BOB. 5. ââ¬â Demonstrate how they work with children and young people to encourage positive behavior W. Q. 5. 2 -? Evaluate different approaches to supporting positive behavior There are many different approaches that we use at Motivations to support and encourage positive behavior. Initially, we attempt to treat the child as normal as possible, creating surroundings that reward good and positive behavior, either by words of encouragement during day to day activities, or initiating positive rewards that culminate in a material goal for the young person or child ââ¬â depending on their age etc.During the course of a normal day words of encouragement, a positive glance or smile, to a ââ¬Ëthumbs up' or a comforting hand on a young person's shoulder is all that is needed to show support and give encouragement for the young person to put a little ex tra effort into an activity and achieve their goal. So support positive behavior and compliance in a day to day house routine, here appropriate we use a ââ¬ËDaily Points Scheme' ââ¬â the child or young person is scored out of ten on a daily basis on five key factors which we want the young person to improve in.
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